Meditation teaches us to be kinder and compassionate toward ourselves. In this fast paced world, it’s challenging to give yourself the gift of time and slow down, to go within, and connect to your inner peace. Meditation is a wonderful tool that every person has access to. However, sitting in lotus pose in silence for 10-30 minutes and focusing on our breath may not be for conducive for everyone. Whatever your personal situation is at this moment, meditation can help you to feel greater calm and inner peace. Instead of using your outer will to transform your life, meditation helps you to access your truth and guide you with love from within. It trains your body and brain to relax, to become more centered and empower you.
Be patient, be kind to yourself, and just enjoy the journey.
These recorded guided meditations are powerful tools which will help train your mind and body to be still, to rest and recharge. Janet’s voice is soothing and encouraging, guiding you to mental clarity and relaxation while taking you on a journey to connect to your soul. They each have a unique theme so just allow soul to choose the one that resonates with you.

I feel truly blessed to have crossed paths with Janet Namaste 4 years ago when my life began to take a turn in search of Truth. Coming out of the spiritual closet has been very special with Mamaste (what I like to call her because she embodies a loving, motherly energy where you just feel safe and trust it’s all going to work out in Divine timing.) I’ve had my destiny blueprint 1 + 2 and birthday sessions along with many workshops with her and can honestly say the clarity and guidance her work has brought me is priceless. There is no doubt when we invest in Self, it IS the single best investment we can give ourselves! I am also a member of the Soul Star community and look forward to connecting twice a month with spiritually aligned souls for spiritual juice, insights and laughter because Janet has such an authentic, natural vibe to her that when she shares her downloads, they are sparked with her witty humor in whichever accent she is guided to share! Mamaste is definitely one of the most influential souls I have crossed paths with and look forward to continue working with her on my soul’s path. Love you Mamaste!
Dr. Aileen Marie

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